Wednesday 10 March 2021

First Game of Through the Mud and Blood

 Plenty of blood but not much mud as this was also the first time we had got our Back of Beyond / Russian Civil War figures on the table. This was a three way fight between White Russians (Cossacks and Naval infantry), Reds (infantry and an improvised armoured car) and The Mad Baron's men (Mongol cavalry and Russian infantry.) The scenario was set somewhere south of Tashkent with mobile forces racing to capture a lost Rolls Royce armoured car.

It was an enjoyable game despite us all being new to the rules. The Reds' cunning ambush with a decoy armoured car came to naught partly due to the referee blowing the ruse (sorry!) Plan B was to stay next to the train tracks and blast anything that came into range.

The principle victim of this trigger happy approach was one of the units of Mongol cavalry. They almost stumbled over the Red conscripts and spent most of the rest of the game scrambling back out of range their horses taking most of the casualties. Their colleagues headed into the town and got tangled up in a series of running fights with the locals in which they mostly came off worse.

The other White force managed to capture the armoured car, stripped it of its machine gun and then holed up all in one off the houses on the edge of the town.

The Reds attempted to storm the town supported by their ersatz armoured car but bursts of accurate fire friom their looted machine gun allowed the Naval infantry to see them off.

The White success was only marred by their failure to secure the Cossacks' horses which took the opportunity to scatter to the four winds.

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